I agree that we should not bombard Alec with e-mail. Any decision should be his own. Many of us have come over to this site because technote would not allow us free expression (which is their right, it's their site), but moreso we moved because our pleas for response were being ignored.
I don't see why Alec, or anyone else, should have a problem if he wanted to respond to posts here. If I'm not mistaken, he has done that in the past. It was obvious that, at least initially, he was not 'in the loop' with what technote was doing, as he also had some questions. As for Alec 'being damned if he doesn't', I for one will never question whatever his decision might be. I think he has over extended himself too many times for too many of us. While this forum is more 'user friendly' there is nothing to prevent anyone from still posting technical questions at technote or anywhere else we may feel we have to go to get the response we need.
After all, musicians listen to other musicians, chefs eat in other chef's restaurants, and some of us have and will continue to use more than one forum.
I don't think it has to be an 'us or them' situation.
Let's trade our thoughts and our music, and get our technical questions answered wherever we need to, here, there, and everywhere. (was that a copywrite violation?!?)