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#48964 - 08/19/05 03:57 PM
BEBOP Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/02/00
Posts: 3781
Loc: San Jose, California
Where did it go??

#48965 - 08/20/05 03:50 AM Re:


I guess the same place the second Florida Jam went. Forum interest is dying.

I guess all good things must come to an end.

Fran in Florida (1 Sept will be Fran in SC)

#48966 - 08/20/05 08:32 AM Re:
BEBOP Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/02/00
Posts: 3781
Loc: San Jose, California
I just received an email from Andrew and he advises he is too busy with other projects to keep it up. He no longer has the domain either. He said he hadn't received any new songs since May.
My several email lists are pretty dead too. No more technics or midi songs coming in now. Just a few jokes once in awhile.
I guess Fran that we are looking at the beginning of the end. I am looking forward to the release of the Tyros 2 perhaps by year end. I still have the Yam 9000.
Anybody want to buy 3 Technics Keyboards
Best to all

#48967 - 08/20/05 09:59 AM Re:
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
You old guys really give up eaisly. We have sustained with just Technics as a topic. Other forums continue with a selection of different keyboards to talk about.
The other forum is also laging if not for a few who write about whatever. As soon as Tyros II comes out there forum will become active as did ours on the arrivial of the KN3,5,6,65,7.

We do not have another keyboard coming, but we do have a special group of keyboard players, friends we have gathered over the years.

I also see this forum Dying and if new keyboards are the only interest here, maybe it should. At the Jam in April my one topic was a dying forum unless. I am guilty of adding a topic which would gather interest, I?ve given other interests priority. Not good if we are to continue.

I have someone who has expressed a desire to buy my KN7000. This forum is the only reason I have doubts about selling it.

Bebop, shame, but I do understand. My drive ?to do?, is leaving with my years, they seemed to go together. I have left the music business four times since 2002 only to come back smiling again.
The way Bernie put it was beautiful, it gave me a lift. ?It?s one of the last flings I have in my life, so I?m giving it all I got?. (Paraphrased)

Please someone tell me something that will give me a reason to hold my KN7000. Yes I know it?s a great keyboard but I want more, I need a group of great people to communicate with, it starts and ends my day.

John C.

PS, Fran, Sometimes I spend a lot of time prerparing a Bible study for my group only to have some not show. I believe, so I keep it going because I believe. Good luck with your move!!

PS. I know you started with Technics for all but I feel it is also happening to this forum.

[This message has been edited by bruno123 (edited 08-20-2005).]

#48968 - 08/20/05 02:08 PM Re:
cees Offline

Registered: 09/14/02
Posts: 533
Loc: The Netherlands
Hi best friends,
sorry to see that Technics For All has ended. But I respect Andrews' choice. He did a great job and has given us quite a while the pleasure in sharing the songs he published. To my opinion it isn't his debt it has ended, but a lack of interest for kn-owners to send him their songs (and the missing from a kind off feedback from the downloaders ??) could make him to decide to make this step. Very understandable. An old story and a predictable process , isn't it?

But so now and then I wonder: what motif or what drive could keep the COMMON interest of the nowadays KN7000-owners alive????
Could it be:
- to discover the possibilities of a new toy: this means that loves end after some years when a new model is on the market???
- to joy of making music (and sharing it)???
- to share thoughts and communicate with other KN7000 owners, purely (and of course very legitimate) for the 'talking'???
- or ...???

Speaking for myself: I love my KN7 still and has not 'reach the end' with all those features and still trying to pump up the playing skills . For some reason I am glad Technics doesn't come with a new model: that's so comforting ..

Just my thoughts I liked to share with you,
Cees wink
Webmaster of Technics KN7000 Keso-songs, Keso-Café and Keso-Jukebox. You're welcome to visit

#48969 - 08/20/05 07:21 PM Re:
Retired Offline

Registered: 07/01/03
Posts: 160
Loc: England
Hi Bill,
A week ago my computer crashed, unfortunately I am not able to deal with
reconfiguring it myself and have to rely on the so-called experts to do it for me.
I have spent most of last week going back and forwards to the shop trying to get things sorted out. It went wrong while I was on the internet, and they had to wiped my hard drive, although they managed to save quite a lot of software, I have also lost a lot.

My main problem at the moment is sending e-mails, I have received two from you, and some from other friends, I have tried to reply but I keep getting error messages, so I thought I would let you know on the forum, I hope Nigel don’t mind.

Before my computer crashed I sent three songs to Technics For All but received no reply,
when I looked for the site, I could not find it.

I hope you understand why I was unable to reply to your e-mail, and I would like to stay on your list. It’s a shame the forum seems to be on the decline, but for me the KN 7000 keyboard is still got a lot going for it. Thank you for your enthusiasm, effort, and help, you have given to me and the forum, over the past years. I’ll send you an e-mail as soon as I can.

All the best
Fred Wren

#48970 - 08/21/05 12:29 AM Re:
RMepstead Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/15/02
Posts: 1664
Loc: Wootton Bassett - Wiltshire - ...
In recent months our Technics Club Keyboard Capers has gained quite a few new members; our MSN web site has also; in recent weeks a number of Yahoo Groups sites have hummed to the sounds of new faces...
I don't think the Technics KN7000 and its antecedents have died - they've just changed ownership as proves with the same old questions being asked all over again by new faces...
Roger M

#48971 - 08/21/05 02:52 AM Re:
Kenneth Gundersen Offline

Registered: 03/06/02
Posts: 97
Loc: Lyngdal in Norway
I'm sorry to hear went down. You are all welcome to send songs, etc. to where there are many songs, etc. to download too. By the way I hope to get files, songs, etc. for other models too. Take care all!

#48972 - 08/21/05 11:04 AM Re:
Joan Offline

Registered: 01/30/03
Posts: 550
Loc: Hampshire U.K.
Hi there - I love my KN7 - it doesn't sound any different or of a lesser quality because Technics are not going to bring out a KN8000.

I too hope this forum keeps going and agree the 'vitality' of it is waning now which I think is a shame. Can't suggest how to revive it - any technical questions by now must surely have been asked and answered and can be looked back at. I frequently look back because I know something has been asked previously and I find this is a great boon.

I feel that it has provided an incentive to me to play better, look more closely at the many features it has and lead to a better understanding. I will never learn all there is to know about it - my brain sadly is too sluggish now!

I have 'met' through corresponding with them, some good friends from all over the world on this forum and I truly value that.

I personally would like to extend a vote of thanks to Cees Schenk who has always been a source of encouragement to me to do better and for those of you who have taken the trouble to write to me about my offerings on his site.

Also to Larry Hawk initially and latterly Andrew Hearne for Technics for all. They have provided an exchange of music between us. Bebop for his work and for continually berating us all to send in more recordings. Nigel for allowing us to use this site.

And last and not least to all of you, past and present members who have taken the trouble to answer queries, take part in discussions and generally make this forum a welcome part of my day.

Trade my KN7 in for a Yamaha - NO THANKS - Joan

[This message has been edited by Joan (edited 08-21-2005).]

#48973 - 08/21/05 06:58 PM Re:
BEBOP Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/02/00
Posts: 3781
Loc: San Jose, California
Originally posted by Retired:
Hi Bill,
A week ago my computer crashed, unfortunately I am not able to deal with
reconfiguring it myself and have to rely on the so-called experts to do it for me.
My main problem at the moment is sending e-mails, I have received two from you, and some from other friends, I have tried to reply but I keep getting error messages, so I thought I would let you know on the forum, I hope Nigel don’t mind.

Before my computer crashed I sent three songs to Technics For All but received no reply,
when I looked for the site, I could not find it.

I hope you understand why I was unable to reply to your e-mail, and I would like to stay on your list. It’s a shame the forum seems to be on the decline, but for me the KN 7000 keyboard is still got a lot going for it. Thank you for your enthusiasm, effort, and help, you have given to me and the forum, over the past years. I’ll send you an e-mail as soon as I can.

All the best
Fred Wren

I have reinstated you to the KN6500 email list so we will wait to receive some more of the great recordings as you have share in the past.
Hope you get it all fixed soon, as people are sending in music files and i am sending them out to my lists.
Best to you


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