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#49048 - 04/16/05 02:54 PM MIKE - An Obscene Email
hand made music Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 04/16/05
Posts: 14
Loc: UK
I would like to bring to the attention of the users of this board an email, which I received from a person called Mike. (
I wonder if this attitude is echoed by other users of this site, which is supposed to offer information and an open forum for people to discuss products, services and personal opinions.

This email was sent, following my postings with reference to my companies new website, offering high quality Keyboard products at fair prices

The text below has censored, due to its obscene nature.

SENDER = mike (

SUBJECT = Thanks for nothing


thanks for sh***ing on our bulletin board with your commercials.

may you and your sh** products rot in hell.
Hand Made Music

#49049 - 04/16/05 05:00 PM Re: MIKE - An Obscene Email
BEBOP Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/02/00
Posts: 3781
Loc: San Jose, California
We also have a wanted to buy and sell forum here in the synth zone.
It would be appropriate to post your ads there.
Click on this url and it should take you there.
I think I got an email from you with info on your products and they do look to be worthwhile and reasonable.
Please don't judge our membership by one person that doesn't agree with you posting a sales ad in this forum.
Most of us are above that.
Tell us about your self. Do you play a technics keyboard and which one etc.
Best to you

#49050 - 04/18/05 07:40 AM Re: MIKE - An Obscene Email

Mike is not familiar to me, but if he is a member of the Technics Discussion Forum, he should be banned from posting. We receive enough spam (filth)in our personal e-mail without it invading this forum.

Fran in Florida

#49051 - 04/18/05 01:02 PM Re: MIKE - An Obscene Email

Hi All.
I agree with Bill and Fran, if it is filth members want to write, then, there are sites that cater for cretins.
Fortunately we have great members with only good music and advice as their vice.
Ignore the idiot who posted you the vile words. I think it is a good idea to let people know if they have things to sell. There are members on site who list Items they wish to sell and at a fair price. They usually get sold. So members must be interested. Technics discussion is about all aspects of music. And if buying off the site is helping people to obtain what they want, then, what’s wrong with that? It makes sense to me.

#49052 - 04/18/05 02:30 PM Re: MIKE - An Obscene Email
shcox Offline

Registered: 09/10/03
Posts: 296
Loc: Leesburg, FL USA
Hi All,

While I am not a forum administrator it does seem that "hand made music" followed the general rules that we go by.

The noice was posted here because it was appropriate to the Technics members. No price was given and link to another page with the information was given.

When I look at the list of topics for the last 5 days there are several other "For Sale" notices.

I for one thank you for letting us know about your product. I know of no others members of this forum that subscribe to the kind of behavor Mike has displayed.

Heather- Leesburg, FL PR54
Heather- Leesburg, FL PR54


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