Maybe some other users can answer my first few quick questions:
1. vox harm button on panel - can I do this without the bulky Ketron footswitch?
2. vox harm to fs - can a standard fs control on/off of harmony?
3. Ajam verify - How can I tell if AJamsonic is installed?
4. version - pg 121 Rel 1.2.2 11/05/17; Firm V3.02, Ser# H1AA10017; T=45.80 V=2.87; K.Firm: V1.9
5. guitar and harm at once - they share a slider - can I operate imultainiously?
6. harm during playback - is there a separate setting for vocal effects during audio/midi playback"
7. SSD - HD - size - how do I verify size, and free space on internal drives?
8. RAM sounds delay - does the delay go away if you load a RAM sound into a user slot?
This'll get me started. I'm skimming thru the manual as I type this, but hands on experience is always welcome!
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