Hi all,
I think the confusion is more to do with the way MSN communities operate than the site itself. I am a member of a couple of msn groups and yes initially they are different from say Yahoo and such.
Like any new site or group you get out of it what you put in so I don't think it quite right to write keyboardCapers off just yet. I mean until a few months ago there were only a few of us at this very forum before the exodus from technote. In fact from what I see KeyboardCapers is currently generating more traffic/posts than this forum did for a long time. With a bit of effort and a lot of enthusiasm this forum has grown beyond all recognition.
Lets not be too quick to down what can only be an added resource.(I can never spell that word!!!)
There is little enough decent technics stuff around on the web so lets nurture and encourage or we may end up bemoaning the fact that those strange Yamaha people have taken over the internet.
Tony ....(whose only Yamaha purchase to date was a motorcycle