Pick up a local paper in the area you want to perform in, and check the places that advertise live music. Visit the venue, and if it's the kind of place that suits your music - give the owner a picture, bio and audio demo. Then, offer to play a night, either at HIS price or free, and then negotiate YOUR price after you've shown them what you can do. I'd also recommend that you keep the 17yr old's age a secret. That spells trouble to a lot of places that serve booze.(here in the States, anyway)
When you work a room .... hand out flyers, cards, pics, etc to generate interrest in a return visit and collect names and addresses for a personal mailing list. Club owners are delighted to hire ANYone that can fill the seats up with new customers.
My best advice to you is to not compromise your show or your price to be "competitive". CHarge what you are worth, and then PROVE it. Once you take less than you want, you'll never get the right ammount again.
Are you interrested in private parties too? These affairs pay much better and generate the possibility of more work, as well. If I don't hand out 5 cards at each affair, I think of it as a failure. You HAVE to be selling the NEXT job at all times. Word of mouth is a great advertisement, and one that is EARNED, not bought.
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