#49488 - 01/25/03 04:29 AM
Re: Recording software
Senior Member
Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 2330
Loc: North Yorkshire UK
Hi Andrew, I've done this many times and the results are very good. However, I don't use the Panasonic Audio Recorder - I use a sound editor called Goldwave and it works very well. There have been a few comments about the audio level being a bit low to give reasonable levels for CD, but this is easily corrected when using a sound editor for recording, since the volume level can be increased while the signal is still in the editor. With reference to your USB problem, do you have any other devices which you can attach to the USB port you are using, to test it's operation? (Printer, Digital Camera etc)Also, are you using the USB port directly from the PC or are you sharing it with any other USB device? Sometimes, you can get conflicts between devices. USB Hubs can sometimes cause problems. Can you play a sound file on your PC and listen to it through the KN7000 via the USB connection? If you've installed the drivers according to the supplied instructions, then they are probably OK.
------------------ Willum
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music. Aldous Huxley ( especially when the music is played on a KN7000....)
#49494 - 01/29/03 03:11 PM
Re: Recording software
Registered: 02/28/02
Posts: 182
Loc: lewiston maine usa
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Sparky: [B]This is as good any a place to mention how I record out, and how I deal with the issue out the line out sound and power is diferent and sharper etc... at the same time I record out into line in of a BR8 virtual 64 track. 8 over 8 tracks. Now, BR8 as slave to my 6500 as master, I can record out while transducing it down so that a smaller stereo can play loud, low, distorted, etc while the low watt stereo can play what out of a small stereo. normally your kn would blow the stereo speakers right out! Low piano notes would rip this speakers. Actually on rec pause I play my kn65 with kn speakers along with marantz shelf speakers, and hear exactly what it will sound like on a home stereo system,by turning down the kn vol. instead of sending it out a port into something that will play it back differently than you can even guess. And it also solves the problem of wanting a more substancial increase in volume for a large room while setting the onboard effects to whatever I want, and adjust my 2 volumes- kn and marantz amp, to my liking, and I avoid the whole guessing game too. The BR8 multy track that makes this happen costs about 450.00 USED on ebay. Case any you wonder. My marantz, well,,,, Lawn sale, steal at 15 bucks. ha ha The br8 has copy paste, cut, and so many needed features. The br8 is digital so bouncing and mixing tracks down is plenty good with the 8 over 8 tracks. I plan to get the BR10 model when I have the cash. And I will record from one to the other. and it will all sink with the kn.clock. So all tracks will play along with the kn timing/clock. So I record out with all tracks except the one or two I am putting on one or two tracks on th br8. And do this over and over until all the prerecorded kn tracks are on digital br8. Being the br8 is digital, it is still 100 % digital and still altering every tracks effects, treble ,,,on and on later. I then Listen to it on different stereos and go back and alter it to be better on more stereos than just the higher end makes and high watts. leaning towards highfi a bit still. I should have a whole thread for this. I think I will. Anyone interested ask. Thats it. sorry to edit again! haha but it said anybody interestING instead of anyone interestED ask. That looked pretty bad. LOL No comments/
[This message has been edited by Sparky (edited 01-29-2003).]
[This message has been edited by Sparky (edited 01-29-2003).]
#49496 - 01/29/03 07:14 PM
Re: Recording software
Registered: 05/15/00
Posts: 143
Loc: Brisbane, Qld, Australia
I frequently play sound effects for theatre productions and for this purpose I downloaded and registered Goldwave several years ago. I am very happy with it - I don't find it at all difficult to use, although I rarely go into areas of modifying sounds. I mainly use it for recording wave files from sound effects CD's, then trimming the file down to include just what I want, adjusting the volume if necessary (there is a handy maximise volume feature), and just occasionally I may add a bit of reverb.
Back in my KN6000 days I put together a CD of my playing, but, of course, had to use the KN6000 line-out as no USB was available. I recorded all my songs with Goldwave and followed the same procedure I use for sound effects files (except that I never added reverb to my KN6000 recordings). The resultant wave files I then burned to CD.
I haven't yet tried recording from my KN7000, but when I do I'll use Goldwave.