Thanks, again Alec. I definitely have to think about what you have said to do. You mentioned several steps and my eyes started to cross after a couple. Since I have not done copy and paste in COMPOSER, I'll have to carefully follow what you say as well as the other possible steps.
By my asking about moving a beat in a measure brings up another point, which is very similar. Most of my work in SEQUENCER is done in real time. On occasion but seldom, I go into STEP RECORD and change velocity on a few notes and maybe length on a couple. One time, I wished I had come in on a phrase a little sooner. I thought, if I could just move that chord or note over a bit, it would be perfect. Looking at and using the 8th, 16th, etc. cursor points doesn't work or at least, I can't make it work. I end up losing the syncopation. Any suggestions other than performing that measure over using PUNCH IN? I probably have answered my question by stating syncopation - There is no set point to come in naturally.