You're comparing apples and oranges... Of course the PA4X is more expensive. Korg's PA1000 is most comparable to the PSR-SX900.
IMO sequencing on the Korg- all facets of it- is still FAR more capable than what Yamaha offers. Korgs have a true Backing Sequence mode, where you can do a quick record using a style, and then edit the recorded chords, "control track," etc., and re-expand into a full MIDI. I'm pretty sure Yamahas still don't offer this. Yamaha's implementation of step recording, and the "CHD" tab in its Song Creator has much potential, but since 2001 was never fully implemented IMO. Even some recent Casios are better!
Yamaha won't even let you view, edit, or tweak track events in the factory styles. [You might be able to download them off the board, "crack" the protected style with a 3rd-party utility on the PC, and then edit. But not on the board itself.]
The PA1000 also has a chord sequencer, which can be used in real-time, or you can store your favorite chord progressions as a sequence and use them to drive the arranger for a song, or just to audition various styles. I think the Genos might have a chord sequencer, not sure about the PSR-SX900. Personally I would choose either of the Korgs over the PSR.
Edited by TedS (04/29/20 04:31 PM)