#500627 - 09/11/20 04:07 PM
Re: Sx900 Regs and Playlist
[Re: bruno123]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi John, don’t know if you’ve ever used the registration sequencer, or if you would actually have any need for it. I had to use it with my p121/sx900 setup, because I couldn’t reach the registration buttons, when I needed to change them. So , I simply put in the order the registrations needed to play back for a particular song. Ie reg1 verse, reg2, chorus, back to reg 1 for verse, reg 3 for chorus, whatever. This way all I had to do was tap the pedal when I needed to change registration ie tapwent from reg 1 to 2, tap, went back from 2 to1, tap went from 1 to 3 etc
Sort of freed the hands up, as well as the brain, didn’t have to remember which registration button I had to press. Haha.
I too find it interesting learning new things I can do on my keyboard. Tend to think it keeps my brain active, because I actually have to think aboutit , and work out how to achieve what I want to do.
Edited by rikkisbears (09/11/20 04:13 PM)
best wishes Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note SX900 Band in a Box 2022
#500633 - 09/12/20 03:48 AM
Re: Sx900 Regs and Playlist
[Re: bruno123]
Senior Member
Registered: 09/21/02
Posts: 5524
Loc: Port Charlotte,FL,USA
John' I can see how your genre oriented organization would be at odds with the playlist type. For me,in performance,I prefer to map out my songs according to whom I am playing to. I may have 30 songs of different tempos and genre in a predetermined list,but clearly in sight so I can change the order very quickly. If I were to take requests,however,I would also have genre specific folder.
The bottom line,for me, is to prepare ahead of time and have no search time in performance. We all work somewhat differently,but I know my clients fairly well,and can operate this way.
Edited by Bernie9 (09/12/20 03:50 AM)
pa4X 76 ,SX900, Audya 76,Yamaha S970 , vArranger, Hammond SK1, Ketron SD40, Centerpoint Space Station, Bose compact
#500634 - 09/12/20 06:01 AM
Re: Sx900 Regs and Playlist
[Re: Bernie9]
Senior Member
Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Bernie, I appreciate you sharing, nice, it helps me think.
My new set-up:
1-I have 80 to 90 songs, one song one reg. 001 to 010 Each bank has eight to nine songs.
2-I am making ten bands, Big Band slow, Med. And Up-tempo. The same for other categories. Bands may use a trumpet, but the type of trumpet varies. In saving, these bands do not have styles included. They are all saved with the same set-up. 1-Piano 2-Trumpet 3-Clarinet 4-Sax Section 5-Trombone 6-Soft brass 7-Medium brass 8-Strong brass 6,7,8, would be strings if I were playing waltzes. 3-Get a new song, select the band to match the song. 4-Reg #1 saves the style, you can select the other instruments without changing the style. (Have not used the Freeze option yet)
This means that all I have to do is select a song and a style and a band, then save it in the #1 reg, and I am done.
PLAYLIST: 1-A playlist list for the 001 to 010 songs. 2-A playlist just for all my songs. 3-A playlist for everything – 001 to 010, and my songs.
You can make playlists to fit your needs. This eliminates going directly to the regs. Now if you think I wrote this to help people, you are right – but mostly to keep my mind busy. (healthy) Thanks for listening, John C.