Allen’s Music virtual exhibition finished yesterday and all the videos from the festival are now available on their YouTube channel, including all the live streams and an additional video from their Patreon channel.
Overall in spite of some of the video and sound problems I thought it was quite reasonable for a first attempt, (Although I do think they need to script it better rather than just do the same as if they were at an actual physical festival) with the Ringway organs being the stand out for me, Lowrey was featured and was up to the usual Allen’s Music standard, also featured were Estey, Orla & Wersi as well as pre-owned instruments, (An additional Wersi video was added from their Patreon channel due to sound problems on the live one) so well worth a listen if you missed the actual virtual festival.
Its timing on Tuesday was quite good if you listened live, as when it finished it gave enough time to have a bite to eat before moving on Apple’s live event.