I have yet to download Søren’s archive, it’s quite large, and will need considerable work sorting out what is what if the files are not named accurately.
But as soon as I have it sorted, I’ll begin to u/l it here. But quite honestly, due to Roland tailing off new arranger stuff well over five years ago (the one and only EA7 update was possibly the last official release they ever did... we never saw any further style or multipad content after the initial release back in Sep 2015), I doubt we have anything significant that isn’t already floating out there or on your old hard drives!
It was quite a ride back in the day, but it’s hard to deny the last few years have mostly been spinning our wheels. But, just like a great classic car, I must admit, there’s a lot to be said for settling down and really getting to know your keyboard rather than constantly daydreaming about the NEXT one! IMHO, Roland went out on a high note with the amazing BK-9... 🎹😎🎹
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!