There are ways to make some things better before other things get better :-) And keeping in touch like this is surely one of the ways to do so. Today's challenges test us on what would we do with what we have, would we change or not.
We know that this year a lot of couples got separated/divorced due to lockdowns and the tension, and even those who didn't perhaps had to make some extra effort.
While meeting in person is surely a nice option to have, I believe that online communication in some ways can be even more beneficial, well, because it can include a lot of people (even me :-) ) , but also because in some sence it's even more challenging, as when you are offline it's usually enough to have some coffee together and talk about nothing, while communicating like this is more about the things we say, nothing gets missed. Also, it kind of equals everyone, as in physical world how a person looks, what age it is, etc. can be misleading. Having said that I still regret not being able to pay visits to each of you, but, well, let's do what we can do instead or regretting about what we can't do.