That’s a 20 year old thread! And it doesn’t really apply here, the issue it talks about is managing files on a ZIP disk, which is moot in the days of USB sticks.
If I remember correctly, when you transferred a style from a floppy to the ZIP in your Roland (G1000 had both!) it automatically changed the suffix. The old Roland’s ran a non standard database routine, which made using programs like this thread mentioned was necessary or your keyboard wouldn’t see files you added with your computer.
But modern Roland’s use the same thing that computers do now, so there is no need for database managers.
One of the first things to check when using our forum search to try to get info is the date of the post..! Roland have changed their storage systems several times since this thread, and out of date advice can often just add to your confusion…
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!