I have created a HUGE number of Panel Memories (registrations) on the KN-6000. Some are just sounds (for classical and other music for which I don't use styles), while alot of others include settings for styles as well (volume levels for different Accomp parts, drums, bass, tempo, style selection, etc.)
I am wondering what people's experiences are in using KN-6x00 created Panel Memories on the 7000. Do they "carry over" well, given new sounds and new rhythms?
I know that from the KN-5000 to the KN-6000, I had to tweak just about every Panel Memory, since some volumes (Strings come to mind) changed dramatically, and some sounds had Octave settings (defaults) that changed.
I'm trying to assess how much effort I'd have to go through to get my KN-6000 panel memories to translate over and be usable on the KN-7000...
Thanks for any comments on your experiences in this area . . .