Hi Deb,
Unfortunately there are a number of missing onboard style editing functions that prior Korg arrangers had. Korg are planning on adding them back in , which is great.
https://www.korg.com/au/products/synthesizers/pa5x/faq.phpAdmittedly people should have waited and read the manual before purchasing, if they were dependant on certain Korg functions.
I waited, till manual became available. Korg had the copying of pads to style and vice versa, and the copying of style tracks , and the import /export of midifiles as styles, this one being the most important one for me. It’s the one editing tool that currently allows major editing, but, it can crash the keyboard when importing a style you’ve edited in a Daw, back into pa5x. We’ve been warned on Korg forums about using it. After a couple of crashes myself, I’m extremely careful what I do.
So , do I regret purchasing PA5x, NO, I love it, I’m a hobbyist I can afford to wait for updates, but for a number of pro users who have sold their PA4x’s to buy PA5x , it is currently a nightmare.
I sold my Pa4x a few years back, so I’m just happy to have another Korg. If I still had PA4x ,I’d be waiting till next update to see what functions they add back in, and hopefully fix some of the bugs it still has.
For owners new to Korg, they wouldn’t miss the functions, but for owners like myself who have bought and upgraded over the years we do. I bought an i3 back in the
mid 90’s when it first came out, my next Korg was back in 2007 with pa800: then pa3x, Pa4x, now PA5x. With each of the other keyboards , new functions and features were added, not taken away.
We’ve been told this keyboard is going to be brilliant, I’m inclined to believe it, over the years they’ve never let us down. 😀