In the past, I've always rebuilt each song registration file manually when I set up a new kb.
First, I'd create folders for each genre if music I play. Standards,Country, Pop, Rock, R&B, Latin, Seasonal, etc.
Then, with both the old and the new kb side by side, I'd pick a genre to start with and rebuild the tunes in the new kb based largely on how I'd had it saved in the old one. Takes about a week or so to do all that.
Is there a way to do a bulk transfer that successfully captures all the proper styles and drops them in the new board where you want them to?
I've never felt a Yamaha board could handle that task with accuracy so, every time, I remake everything from scratch on my new keyboards through the years.
Edited by Bill in Dayton (03/02/23 02:36 PM)
Bill in Dayton