Charlie, "Ignorance is bliss" as the old saying goes. Some of my audience members thought the same thing until I provided them with a quick education about the complexities of an arranger keyboard and the necessary skills that were needed to be acquired in order to play it. On a few nite club jobs, I actually had an audience member sit down at the keyboard and I said "OK, play me a song" which they obviously could not do, even on their best day and despite the fact that some were home piano players. Most were utterly amazed at just how complex of an instrument that an arranger keyboard is, and I was often applauded for my ability to utilize the intricate, onboard systems to produce wonderful music that everyone seemed to enjoy.
One of the songs I performed, La Bamba, using the onboard Rock Cha Cha style and one of my custom guitar voices, really got their attention. I played the intro and bridge using the guitar voice, sang the song in Spanish and had the dance floor filled to capacity. It was a fun song to perform, and those that watched me perform it got a great education about an electronic instrument.
I recorded the song using my onboard USB Audio Recorder of the S-950 during a live performance.
Click here to hear my rendition of La Bamba All the best, old friend,