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#50925 - 05/11/03 12:42 AM Karel Wessling on KERS
cees Offline

Registered: 09/14/02
Posts: 533
Loc: The Netherlands
Hi best forumfriends,
I am succeeded to have my friend Karel Wessling trapped in to play on my KN7000 (That was not so difficult, he enjoyed to play on this magnificent instrument ) He was allowed to do that on condition that we recorded some songs for the KERS-page .So, we did. The results are on the KERS-site.
For good understanding, he mostly plays in pianist mode (on his KN6000), as he is in principle a pianist. Karel says he sometimes is jealous on my knowledge on the technique, as my answer is that I am more jealous on his playingskills. Listen yourself. So I mostly help him with the 'buttons' and the technique on the KN. The record was done as follows: Karel playes the keyboard and I pressed the buttons . So if you hear any mistakes, you can blame me for missing to push the right button in time
If you like his song (you will ) please send him your gratitude by mail, perhaps that will persuade him to make more songs for us...
With musical greetings,
P.S. Kers-site is still on:
P.S.2: if someone know the english songtitle of the first song (Toen was geluk nog heel gewoon) please let me know. I thought is was from Gilbert O'Sullivan?

[This message has been edited by cees (edited 05-11-2003).]
Cees wink
Webmaster of Technics KN7000 Keso-songs, Keso-Café and Keso-Jukebox. You're welcome to visit

#50926 - 05/11/03 03:31 AM Re: Karel Wessling on KERS
John North Offline

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 449
Loc: Alfreton, Derbyshire, England
Hi Cees
The title of the song is 'Alone Again Naturally'and you are correct with the artist Gilbert O'Sullivan.

I once backed a local entertainer singing this song - and it was only a couple of weeks after losing his wife. He struggled to finish the song because of his tears and his emotion. Most of the audience knew his wife had died, and there was hardly a dry eye in the place.


#50927 - 05/11/03 10:30 AM Re: Karel Wessling on KERS
cees Offline

Registered: 09/14/02
Posts: 533
Loc: The Netherlands
Thanks John for the title and the touching example. That's why I like music (instrumental or/and vocal); it can be so full of emotions.
Cees wink
Webmaster of Technics KN7000 Keso-songs, Keso-Café and Keso-Jukebox. You're welcome to visit

#50928 - 05/11/03 02:41 PM Re: Karel Wessling on KERS
Bernie9 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 09/21/02
Posts: 5515
Loc: Port Charlotte,FL,USA
Hi Cees and Karel
I have had a great time playing along.Between your engineering and Karel's playing,you produced a fine set of songs. I particularly liked "Bertus".

Hope we see more and thanks to you both
pa4X 76 ,SX900, Audya 76,Yamaha S970 , vArranger, Hammond SK1, Ketron SD40, Centerpoint Space Station, Bose compact

#50929 - 05/13/03 08:28 AM Re: Karel Wessling on KERS
Joan Offline

Registered: 01/30/03
Posts: 550
Loc: Hampshire U.K.
Hi there

I downloaded this music today and have had a most enjoyable time playing along with it.

The standard of playing is superb and the registrations are ones that I will make use of.

Having listened to this collective talent I am seriously thinking of going back to my comb and paper!



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