When I was a youngster growing up in SO CA, there used be a type gig referred to as a “ casual”.These types gigs were usual sort of jazz background music held at private reidences,hotels,events centers, cruise ships…. The band was put together through an agent/ music contractor, and often times you’d play with musicians that you never worked with before. There was never a rehearsal and usually no charts. The designated band leader called out Great American Song Book Standards or more contemporary popular songs.
Here’s an example of such a gig I did the other day in Dallas. I never played with the bass player. I never heard this tune in my life and the only instructions were “ play a bosa nova feel” and a count off.
Good money, no rehearsals or band drama. Just show up and play,
BTW, yours truly is on drums. Also pianist/singer is 87. He worked at Jack Ruby’s clubs, and was friends with Red Garland.