Marco Mendez has launched a new website for Genos2 users.

Every Monday morning, Marco hosts a free Zoom Tutorial showing how to play a new Song.
He provides a bank of 10 registrations to mimic the original performance as closely as possible.

This is the link to join his Zoom Class at 10am Pacific Time.

The password is 1234

Every Song Tutorial comes with an annotated PDF score sheet showing the melody line, the Chords and where to make the registration changes.

He has made over 250 Song Tutorials.

You can watch the performances on his YouTube Channel:

The Song Tutorials containing the MIDI File, Registrations, PDF Score Sheet and MP4 Video can be downloaded from:

Marco was a child prodigy. He got accepted at Curtis Institute of Music, the most elite music school in the world. This is more exclusive than Juilliard.

This was the start of his 40-year musical journey. He is passionate about music and has devoted all his time in teaching students how to sound like a pro.

Marco used to play on the Lowrey and Roland organs. He feels the voices, styles and feature set on the Genos2 far outshines them and encourages all organ players to switch to this new platform.