Hi AJ,
Thanks so much for uploading this informative video explaining all the differences between the
Ketron EVENT X and
Ketron EVM modules.
You have elaborated all the differences in the user interfaces and the scope where one may be favored over the other.
I understand the guts of both these devices are identical.
Thanks for pointing out that the Touch Screen interface on the EVM module is a
Single Touch Device. This is why you have a different way to call up the screens that are invoked by simultaneously pressing 2 buttons on the Event X.
I had 3 questions.
The Ketron EVM Module is listed on your website for $3,000.
https://www.ajamsonic.com/product/ketron-evm-module?id=374Thomann is selling the Ketron EVM Module and the Ketron 15.6” Touch Screen with a backpack bundle for $2,649.
https://www.thomannmusic.com/ketron_evm_event_bundle.htmHypothetically if someone wants to purchase the EVM bundle, is there any extra value for ordering this from your website?
I am intrigued by the extra
VARIATION button. Does this mean you are effectively doubling the Style Variations from 4 to 8?
A, B, C, D = Normal Mode
A, B, C, D = Variation Mode with the VARIATION button engaged.
Can a
MIDI Foot Controller like the Nektar Pacer be connected via MIDI to the EVM module to control some of the frequently used Style Controls?