I can understand where you are coming from but........
When I was a child I was forced to play many recitals from the age of 6 on. I didn't think I played well enough but........ after all the bragging on me was done, I begin to think that just maybe I was good enough to do it again, but.........then the fears would set in again and I would go through it all again but........... I started listening to others to see if I was as good as they were and then I really begin to learn my craft by adapting most of their techniques. I continued to gain confidence until 10 years later I formed and fronted my own band at 16.
Marilyn, If you hadn't told me about the Technics Forum here, we just might not all be here now, but............ I came and looked and I risked a little bit, and here we all are.
When Nigel asked me to be the moderator here, I didn't think I was good enough to do that but............ I risked a little bit and here I am.
Why don't you NOW risk a little bit and record a favorite tune of yours, and I am sure you will be amazed at how good it makes YOU feel to share and in accepting the accolades and thank you's of your peers, you will want to immediately get to work on the next one but............... if you are able to contine to believe you are not good enough then you will loose more then the rest of us that will never get to enjoy your playing.
I have songs on the discs from people that have never had a lesson, never recorded, never ziped and mailed a file and don't think they are good enough but they did it anyway and their songs are quite good.
AS beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I believe so is music.
ENOUGH SAID??????????
Best to your Marilyn and think positive