I cannot find a way (on a KN-6x000) to allow the keyboard to RECEIVE program change data, but not TRANSMIT it. The manual seems to only show that simple "YES/NO" for Program change - either that data is exchange (transmitted AND received) or it's not.
Anyone know a workabout? I have external devices sending Pgm Chg to KN, but am sending MIDI data to another device, and I don't want that device (a Vocalist) to "see" program change data.
Is the KN-7000 any more flexible in this area (separate YES/NO for TRANSMIT and RECEIVE would be nice!)
Genos / Tyros5 / HK Lucas Nano 600 / FTB Maxx 40a / EV ZX1A / Rock'n'Roller cart / Hauptwerk virtual pipe organ / misc other audio & music toys