I have 3 Technics Keyboards but they quit making them. I will still make music for the masses.
I had a Packard but they quit making them. I survived and still don't walk
I had a Studebaker but they quit making them. I survived and still don't walk.
I have a Hohner Clavinet keyboard D6 they quit making about early 1970. I still have it and it is worth more today then it cost new. I play it once in awhile and remember when.....
I have an Ensoniq EPS 16 Plus Turbo Sampling Keyboard. I still have it and it still does everything it did when I bought it about late 1980's.
I had a Commodore 64 in 1984 and managed to write sequencer programs for it, and record midi music. I don't use it now but I thought it could never be replaced.
I had two Amiga 2500 computers that ran my recording studio for several years, but they quit making them. I missed them for awhile and I even get them out once in awhile and start them up. I could never go back to using them in this day and age.
I have lots of other things that are no longer made. I think there are 6 obsolete computers in here no longer made.
The point is: LIFE GOES ON. Nothing really changes. Nothing and no one is indispensable. We will all go on to bigger and better (and more expensive) things.
The synthzone will still be here thanks to Nigel
I will still be here thanks to Nigel and Jann

Nigel will still be here, thanks to us all and his family.
Most of your will still be here.
This music forum family will survive.
We will still be making and sharing music.
Nothing is forever but I believe we will have very long longevity.
We will be buying other makes of keyboards one day that will make the Technics Keyboards look like toys.
This is progress.
Be Happy. Make some happy music, share it with the family. Send it to Cees, Larry or me and lets spread some cheer and get out of this gloom and doom mode.
There are better things coming around the bend. I anxiously await them, yes even at my old age.
I love you all and thank you for being an important part of my family.
My best to you all and a big thank you once again to Nigel for providing the ability for us to be and stay together

Moderator SynthZone TECHNICS FORUM
http://www.synthzone.com/cgi-bin/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number=25 Bill Forrest in SAN JOSE, CALIF. USA
bforrest@ix.netcom.com ICQ # 562519