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#52284 - 11/08/02 11:47 AM kn6500 sequencer problem. Help!
Sparky Offline

Registered: 02/28/02
Posts: 182
Loc: lewiston maine usa
I have recorder with success on the composer of my kn6500. Now I am into the sequencer and have a problem. I recorded the drum track thru to 32 measures for now. And I recorded track 1 with a guitar voice. Then when playing it back they are both the same voice. If I change one, they both change! I have to admit with all the patience I have, I am very po'ed at this! Can someone help me please? I recorded the drums on track one by mistake and then pasted them onto track 8 and then worked more on them. then I went to track one and recorded with guitar. Is this why? Oh my Lord! Now I went back over to my keys and tried again to fix it and all is gone. Nothing is there and I have to start over again! Is the sequencer really that lousey???????? I am very upset with technics! I paid over 3k for this thing and thats how lousey the sequencer is?????

[This message has been edited by Sparky (edited 11-08-2002).]

#52285 - 11/08/02 12:55 PM Re: kn6500 sequencer problem. Help!
Bill Norrie Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 2330
Loc: North Yorkshire UK
"Is the sequencer really that lousey???????? I am very upset with technics! I paid over 3k for this thing and thats how lousey the sequencer is?????"

Come off it Sparky - There's nothing wrong with the KN6500 sequencer - just have a bit of patience and learn how to use it properly. Many people on this forum have been using it successfully for a long time.


[This message has been edited by Bill Norrie (edited 11-08-2002).]

After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music.
Aldous Huxley
( especially when the music is played on a KN7000....)

#52286 - 11/08/02 02:29 PM Re: kn6500 sequencer problem. Help!
Sparky Offline

Registered: 02/28/02
Posts: 182
Loc: lewiston maine usa
Come off it Sparky - There's nothing wrong with the KN6500 sequencer - just have a bit of patience and learn how to use it properly. Many people on this forum have been using it successfully for a long time.


And many have complained about it also. I read the manual but must have miss something. I dont know why it is acting like it is. I need help on this one. Maybe helping me would be better than just tell me to come off it. I didnt need to know to come off it man. I needed to know why it is acting funny, or if maybe its a glitch in mine only. So come off it Bill. hehe

#52287 - 11/08/02 02:48 PM Re: kn6500 sequencer problem. Help!
Sparky Offline

Registered: 02/28/02
Posts: 182
Loc: lewiston maine usa
I see the problem must have been that at first I choose drums for track one. And then even though i pasted them to track 8 and cleared track 1 , track one was then tied to track 8 somehow, and permanantly that way even after clearing it. and so changing voice on track one would also change the voice of track 8/ Doesn't seem right but it seems to be the way it works. Is there a way around that? Cuz if i ever paste from one track to another, I want to reuse that track for other voices and not be stuck with that one... Is there a reason for that????
And Does anyone know how my recording disappeared on my without clearing it or turning the board off?
I know that learning how to use it is one asnwer, but thats not quite the answer I am looking for. That I am already trying to do. I have read the manual from cover to cover twice so far. its not like I ask tech questions here much. Cant remember when it was last. Please save the comments like Bills for someone too lazy to read the manual and struggle through it on thier own 1st. As my mother used to say " if you don't have something good to say, then don't say anything at all"

[This message has been edited by Sparky (edited 11-08-2002).]

#52288 - 11/08/02 06:13 PM Re: kn6500 sequencer problem. Help!
Douglas Dean Offline

Registered: 04/15/02
Posts: 554
Loc: Prospect Heights IL USA

You might try asking for help instead of denigrating the product with Quote - “Is the sequencer really that lousy???????? I am very upset with technics! I paid over 3k for this thing and that's how lousy the sequencer is?????" I don’t think you will get a great deal of response with that kind of an attitude. To tell the truth, I don’t understand why some types of personalities get great pleasure in finding fault with things. Don’t feel you are the only one. I know some others that enjoy the same thing. Also some people like to hear negative talk. Personally I could get along very well without it.

Grandpa Doug
Grampa Doug

#52289 - 11/08/02 08:07 PM Re: kn6500 sequencer problem. Help!
Sparky Offline

Registered: 02/28/02
Posts: 182
Loc: lewiston maine usa
WOW Douglas, How nice of you to jump in like that! So what you are saying is that it is not ok for me to be upset with the sequencer or voice my opinion on a machine, But it is a good thing for you to get on here and put a human being down? The sequencer is not the best and most know that. I had a better sequencing program on my old commodore64 PC! So i guess that its ok for you to get on here and put me down but not for me to put down a machine? And I asked for help a few times in my even spelled it like this "helpppppp! But maybe you didnt see that because you were too busy thinking of a nice slam on my person! By the way, the sequencer is the only thing about the kn series I do not care for. And keep in mind that I was frustrated at the time! You ever get frustrated before???? Or are you perfect. People like you who jump on the band wagon the second someone else makes a comment and throw more gas on the fire are not my favorite type of people. I don't do that! I didn't ask you to insult me Doug! I asked for help. which like i said you missed cuz you were too busy working up a good insult to me person! You even went through all the trouble on retyping a few sentences I said so you could make me look as bad as posible. I think you just made yourself look like something I need not say because people are not blind. All you added to this thread is insult and nothing more.You offered no help. There is a good and a bad way to correct someone. A nice way and a rude way. If you can not contribute with help then do NOT bother to reply to my questions. Unless it makes you feel like a better man in front of these people to make the other guy look bad. Maybe now you are thinking you should have shut your trap instead? Nah,,, I doubt it. Guys like you do not admit fault. Instead you will probably argue you are right and just drag this thing out. I am not impressed Bebop!
I admit I said is this that lousey??? and I am unhappy. But for a man to insult a person for being unhappy with a sequencer is just poor conduct. Look at it this way,,, I didn't start in on someone here. But two people were rather bluntly insulting to me. Good thing we have people who help in here. and great persons like Bebop, etc... to keep the peace because this place would be a nightmare and no one would come here because of people jumping on peoples back to defend a machine! You heard enough???? I suspect now that you know I can defend myself good and long. You might go pick on a weak person instead. Those are the type guys like you prey on!
Unhappy Camper.

[This message has been edited by Sparky (edited 11-08-2002).]

#52290 - 11/08/02 08:10 PM Re: kn6500 sequencer problem. Help!
Sparky Offline

Registered: 02/28/02
Posts: 182
Loc: lewiston maine usa
And did you two ever stop to think that maybe I have a defective machine?? It IS posible! Unless you are GOD you don't know that.

#52291 - 11/08/02 08:47 PM Re: kn6500 sequencer problem. Help!
Sparky Offline

Registered: 02/28/02
Posts: 182
Loc: lewiston maine usa
Douglas,, In the past 3 months you have only posted one, yes only one post!
While I have posted the following.
1. A way to stop the sustain pedal from sliding away while using it on carpet.
2. A virus alert when it was hitting a lot of people.
3. spyware alert and how to get rid of it, and I add that lotsa of people here had 50- 100 spyware and got rid of them which made thier pc go from bogging down to peppy again.
4. offered to share my beefed up sounds with anyone who wanted them.
5. being a guitar player for 26 years explained the structure of them on keys for people who didn't know.
6. A fun idea to do for us to enjoy.
And you didnt offer any helpful posts in these 3 months.
Maybe instead of throwing stones at people who often offer up helpful suggestions and try to share things, You should do the same yourself. Try posting something that contributes to the forum instead of sitting back and waiting for an oportunity to jump on someone who may have said something that was incorrect.
This is not the first time this has happened to me here either! And I hereby resign my membership to this place. I am all done with this kind of crap. You were the straw that broke the camels back. This post in general which got insults but no help has showed me that I am better off to just stay out of here.

#52292 - 11/09/02 03:02 AM Re: kn6500 sequencer problem. Help!
John North Offline

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 449
Loc: Alfreton, Derbyshire, England
Hi Sparky
If you've not already left the forum, one reason for sequence voicing problems is to do with Track assign. Do the following:-
Program Menus>Sequencer>Record & Edit>Track Assign> then check the tracks you have recorded. You may find that that two tracks are showing 'Right 1' So each time you change the voicing in Right 1, you also change the other track. All you need to do is change the other 'Right 1' track to the Track number it should be.

#52293 - 11/09/02 07:33 AM Re: kn6500 sequencer problem. Help!
Sparky Offline

Registered: 02/28/02
Posts: 182
Loc: lewiston maine usa
Thank you so much John. I wonder how that happens? A glitch in the software? I mean there is only a right one and two to use to record all 16 tracks. Or maybe this only happens for the 1st 8 tracks. Yeah that must be it. You have told me how to fix it and so I know the problem, But haven't been able to try it yet because that recording is erased somehow. I may have hit the program menus button. Once that is done going back into the sequencer will only get me to have to start all over unless i hit panel write before i exit? It is my guess at this point that the best way to record in the sequencer would be to record right1 and 2 last, after all the other tracks are done. Then this will not happen again? I am not quite sure, I need to go record with it and see what happens in different cases. Maybe someone else or you can eleborate on this a bit more John.
Tony. No I haven't left yet, I came back to check this post to see what else was said about this bull crap kid play.

[This message has been edited by Sparky (edited 11-09-2002).]

#52294 - 11/09/02 08:02 AM Re: kn6500 sequencer problem. Help!
John North Offline

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 449
Loc: Alfreton, Derbyshire, England
Hi Sparky as far as I know it is possible to record seperately on all 16 tracks, using whatever voicing you choose. It's usually only a problem when you record on R1 or R2 and then copy that track. When you copy it, it also copies the Track Assign. So when you've finished your sequencing it's worth checking Track Assign as outlined in my previous post.

#52295 - 11/09/02 09:06 AM Re: kn6500 sequencer problem. Help!
Sparky Offline

Registered: 02/28/02
Posts: 182
Loc: lewiston maine usa
Thanks again John!
So if i do copy a track and then go into track assign and edit it there, it will permanently fix it back again to its own voicing, so that upon starting playback again it will not return back to the way it was before track assign fix? If so then it is a great fix. because I would like to copy tracks now and then. Which raises another question. If I was to copy a track or part of a sequence from another song number, would it also copy the track assigned in the other song number to the track I copy to? which would then lead me to have to go back into track assign and edit it back again? As we all know, the manual is too brief and does not include all these sort of things in it. One must experience and struggle through some stuff on his own because of this. Which also makes this forum more valuable. One needs to rely on others sometimes who have already struggled through those things. Maybe all these things are in the extended manual that alec wrote.

#52296 - 11/09/02 09:25 AM Re: kn6500 sequencer problem. Help!
Douglas Dean Offline

Registered: 04/15/02
Posts: 554
Loc: Prospect Heights IL USA
Sparky, again, your very words - Quote: “This post in general which got insults but no help has showed me that I am better off to just stay out of here”.

I’m, sorry to hear you feel that way. Look at it this way. I too have the same board as you have. I have gotten many hours of pleasure out of the sequencer. There was a time when I did not even know how to spell sequencer. I learned how to get the most out of my keyboard one thing at a time. One of the last features of the board I set out to master was the sequencer. People who loved the boards of their choice as I did, were more than happy to help me understand what I did not know in my Ignorance at the moment. The more we all understood things, the more fun we all could have. They showed me things and I showed them some things. Altho music was not my main source of income we all had the love of making it. If I had asked my peers to help me in understanding the sequencer, (which I found out later was one of the best of the built-in’s at the time) and in the next breath judged their choice as lousy, how much help do you think they would give me???? I’m sure they would think - this guy want’s help? How in the world can you help some one who already has made up his mind the sequencer is crap??? If it was the vocalizer for instance, I needed help with, they more than likely would inform me that the vocalizer was not one of the strong points of the machine and suggest a workaround. After all even kings and queens and presidents have weaknesses. Sparky, I have used the sequencer with great success and pleasure as many others have. I also would like to hope you could see how others feel. I understand you were very upset with your efforts but also so was I with your attitude. Not because the remarks offended me or I have any reason to defend the company but there will be some new people out there who will be deprived of the pleasure of the wonderful music we experience on our boards. As a very active contributor to this forum you might mislead some very impressionable people with those kind of remarks. The ease of operation, the life like sounds, the wonderful styles, the fantastic colored screen, and on and on. Life is a lifetime learning process. Let us all learn a little from these exchanges. Sparky we all and even I would miss some of your great contributions to this forum so please think about it and don’t leave.

Sparky, I just read your last post and am glad you reconsidered.

Grandpa Doug

P.S. I know I grate some people the wrong way but that's me. I know because you told me so but that's life and that’s the way I think.
Grampa Doug

#52297 - 11/09/02 10:13 AM Re: kn6500 sequencer problem. Help!
Sparky Offline

Registered: 02/28/02
Posts: 182
Loc: lewiston maine usa
Bottom line Douglas, is that you were upset with the way I approached it, and I was upset with the way you approached it. And if you ask me, we both could have done better! I admit that I could have done better and will try to do better in the future. I get the impression you know you could have done better also. Let us both learn from this and grow from here while doing better in the future for the forums sake, and for the sake of the other members here, who do not need to view crap like what we both did on this post! Right? I know that we both appreciate this forum and owe it to the forum to behave better than we did!!!
I also think that because we have littered this forum recently with our words of critisism toward each others view that we both owe everyone "and each other" an apology! Therefore I hereby apologize! I am sorry the words I spoke out in frustration. I will do my best in the future to respect the opinion of others in the future. However I admit that I will probably not be pleased when other people here address thier negative opinion about me! Respecting others opinion about the kn series is another thing entirely. I do not have to like you Douglas, and you do not have to like me. But we can respect each other on this forum, and keep in mind that others have to listen to all we say here!
I did see this forum as slipping away from being useful for the kn6500 users as more people got and talked about the 7000 too. And I did try to do something about that because the 6500 is still a great machine and there are many many members who have the 6500 and will not be getting the 7000. I sat down and tried to think of ways to keep things here for the 6500 users. Like the blues recording idea.
I am sure everyone will agree that when the 7000 was out, the forum changed more towards talking about the 7000 and its pros and cons, while the other stuff that was so nice to see here and be a part of dissappeared. Being a 6500 owner, I read the 7000 posts and pondered getting one also, But there was nothing else here for me than that at the time. I knew the other 6500 users would feel the same and go to another forum or not came here any more if that continued. I know the 7000 excited people and with good reason. And I know there were many issues to talk about with the 7000. New and exciting stuff. But still thats about all that was talked about and so many were then left out in the cold because of that. There are more people here that do NOT own a 7000 than do. As far as I know at least. So the end result would be more people finding this place a less exciting for the sake of a few finding it more exciting. Am I making any sense here.?
Anyways, it seems my efforts in that department have done some good, and talk of the 7000 has decreased leaving more talk that all of us could participate in. i noticed a decrease in posts actually. Maybe because so much 7000 talk left nothing for the users with lower models, and so they just faded off somehow. So let us not stray away from the general public here so much, but try to make this place useful to all.
That means you 6500 users should keep it alive and suggest ideas and posibilities with the machine. You know the 7000 users do not and should not have much use for talking about thier old keyboard and with good reason. So if you 6500 owners do not want this great and useful, and exciting place to dissipate on you, then you need only to do your part and participate still. Or all 6500 owners will be fading out of here, leaving less and less topic that is useful to you. This forum does not run on its own. It keeps going from people sharing. And you are one of them. Do your best to keep it going and hope for the best. But don't just sit back and watch the 7000 take over the forum! Because if you do, you are part of the cause. You have a choice. Let it go, or help it to keep going. The 6500 is stil a great machine!

#52298 - 11/09/02 10:22 AM Re: kn6500 sequencer problem. Help!
Sparky Offline

Registered: 02/28/02
Posts: 182
Loc: lewiston maine usa
Oh, and as far as the older model users than the 6500 even. It is sad but I don't think there is enough of yous to keep this place exciting for your machines. Sad but true. But the 6000 users are still in a decent number, However the 6000 users have had them for a long time, at least most of them and have been there done that so to speak and have already lost the excitement to a degree. In a year from now the 6500 users will have already experienced about all there is to experience on thier machine also.
God help me when that happens! HAHA Then I will have to upgrade. God that hurts my wallet! LOL
All feedback welcome!
And be nice! LOL
I am not perfect but my intent here is to help this place in a way that I can. Or can I? haha
So come on older model users! Don't let the fun die yet!
And 6500 users, lets think of things to post to keep each other enjoying it the best we can
Thank you all! Tony

#52299 - 11/09/02 10:36 AM Re: kn6500 sequencer problem. Help!
John North Offline

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 449
Loc: Alfreton, Derbyshire, England
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Sparky:
[B]Thanks again John!
So if i do copy a track and then go into track assign and edit it there, it will permanently fix it back again to its own voicing, so that upon starting playback again it will not return back to the way it was before track assign fix?

Hi Sparky, That's right - if you copy Right 1 say to Track 11, go to Track Assign, change the new track to Track 11 and any voicing will NOT be changed when you change voicing in Right 1

#52300 - 11/09/02 12:02 PM Re: kn6500 sequencer problem. Help!
larry gosmeyer Offline

Registered: 01/23/02
Posts: 394
Loc: La Verne, CA USA
I have been sequencing using all 16 tracks on my KN6000 for many months without any problems. If I transfer one track to another I always "transfer" just the notes and not other data and that way I never have a problem with assignment.

#52301 - 11/09/02 12:32 PM Re: kn6500 sequencer problem. Help!
Sparky Offline

Registered: 02/28/02
Posts: 182
Loc: lewiston maine usa
Originally posted by larry gosmeyer:
I have been sequencing using all 16 tracks on my KN6000 for many months without any problems. If I transfer one track to another I always "transfer" just the notes and not other data and that way I never have a problem with assignment.

So Larry,
Is there a trick/something you do to only transfer notes or does it just happen that way on your machine? You have the 6000 and I have the 6500 so there may be a difference there. I have never used the 6000. I can be fine with Johns way but if there is a way to transfer just the notes, I do want to know how to do that too. I just like to know all I can about this machine. I am getting to know her pretty darn good lately. And I must admit, I love her. We haven't slept together yet but I am thinking about it! haha Only thing stopping me at this point is that she has so many keys I don't know which key she enjoys me playing yet. Wait! Wouldn't that be the G-note? LOL

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