HI Friends,
Today it has been my great pleasure to listen to some of the music on Cees website. No I did not yet get delivery of the KN7000 but I did receive the songs in a medium I could play and listen too. I am overwhelmed. You people are absolutely awesome in your kraft.
Please forgive me for responding on the forum but I do not have email addresses for some of you. In fact I do not even know who some of you are but I will recognize your music any time I hear it in the future.
My thanks goes out to the following people.
First of all Cees for providing unselfishly the space to showcase your work. Thank you Cees.
The musicians I have heard today are:
Larry Gosmeyer
Karel Wessling
Derek Ladkin
Walt Roberts
Colin Leaney
Bernd Wurznrainer
Tom Versteeg
Cees Shenk
This is some of the finest music I have ever heard on an arranger keyboard. My heartfelt thanks to you for sharing, to Cees for providing and to my un-named friend for sending them to me to hear and encourage me to get the KN7000 (soon, I hope)
Best to you all.
I have more to listen to so I will be adding to this post in the next day or two. Please pass on my thanks to these people for sharing their talents if you know them or have email addresses for those that are not regulars on my email lists.
Thank you