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#52600 - 09/28/06 01:51 PM Goodbye to you all
fmlk Offline

Registered: 08/21/02
Posts: 275
Loc: Eindhoven, Netherlands
Hello all,

Tomorrow I will receive my Tyros 2 and I traded in my KN7000. Because of that The KN7000 SD Explorer will be avalable with €10 ($12) discount: for only €39.95.

Kind Regards, Fred

webmaster (also in English)
Advocate of Compassion Nederland (

#52601 - 09/28/06 02:36 PM Re: Goodbye to you all
Audrey Turner Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 03/19/02
Posts: 1098
Loc: Cambridge, Cambs, England
Hello Fred

What a sad day for us all who have had the pleasure of dealing with you and your colleague.

However, you may be saying "Goodbye" to this Forum but I daresay one day we'll meet again on another. In the meantime for me, you will always be remembered for your 'genius' and kindness in helping me get to grips with technology when I needed it most. I use the KN SD Explorer Tool almost daily and I still marvel at the versatility of it.

So! anyone reading this posting, if you haven't got the KN SD Explorer Tool, you really do not know what you are missing and my advice to you is "get one quick before it is all sold out"

Good luck Fred and may you have many pleasant hours of playing your new keyboard.

Best wishes to you and yours for the future and thank you again for your very valuable help.

Audrey (U.K.)

#52602 - 09/29/06 12:03 AM Re: Goodbye to you all
Joan Offline

Registered: 01/30/03
Posts: 550
Loc: Hampshire U.K.
Hi Fred - I second what Audrey said. I consider your excellent SD Explorer tool the most useful piece of software - bar none, that I have ever used.

I know how hard that both you and Gert spent on developing this and the hours that you put into it. It does you both credit. You can take pride in a job well done.

Enjoy your new instrument. Joan

#52603 - 09/29/06 03:29 AM Re: Goodbye to you all
Fran D Offline

Registered: 01/26/02
Posts: 918
Loc: Aiken, SC, USA

Goodbye to the 7000 but not to the friendship we will continue to share. Enjoy your new toy.

Fran in SC

#52604 - 09/29/06 06:42 AM Re: Goodbye to you all
etwo4788 Offline

Registered: 08/28/04
Posts: 518
Loc: S.E. New Mexico USA
FRED.... A change of direction is often a wonderful thing..... Enjoy All You Do!

Thank you for all you have contributed to the Technics forum....

How much in USD is Euro 39.95? Would a personal check on a Wells Fargo Bank work for you? If not... How about a Debit Card on the same bank?

Thanks for all you do.....Keep in touch & enjoy your Tyros.... I can't imagine giving up my 7K for any other KB.....


#52605 - 09/29/06 07:43 AM Re: Goodbye to you all
John North Offline

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 449
Loc: Alfreton, Derbyshire, England

Don't say goodbye, just au revoir

Iswopped my KN7000 for the T2last December but I still visit this forum most days


#52606 - 09/29/06 10:13 AM Re: Goodbye to you all
fmlk Offline

Registered: 08/21/02
Posts: 275
Loc: Eindhoven, Netherlands
Hello Friends,

Thanks for all your warm-hearted words. And yes, au revoir can be said or even better: until later. I will keep the forum as Fovarite link and will keep visiting it. And I keep SDExplorer available. Unfortunately, Elisabeth, I can only accept PayPal payment. Checks have showed to be bad: you pay transfer costs, I pay transfer and valuta costs. PayPal is by far the best solution internationally.

Thanks Joan for you compliments, but I also like to thank you for helping with the texts for the tutorial and such. Indeed besides KN7000 it is friendship that forms the forum. I will therefore also keep my photos on Frappr site.

Take care. Read to you later


#52607 - 10/01/06 06:13 PM Re: Goodbye to you all
Walt Meyer Offline

Registered: 10/02/02
Posts: 437
Loc: Silver City, NM USA
Fred, please enjoy ytour new T2.
Let us know how you like your new instrument as you learn all over again.
Thanks for developing the KN7000 Explorer program.
Keep in touch,

#52608 - 10/02/06 09:47 AM Re: Goodbye to you all
fmlk Offline

Registered: 08/21/02
Posts: 275
Loc: Eindhoven, Netherlands
Hi Walt,

Thanks for your message. I received the T2 last Friday evening so I have it now 3 days, am brand new user. And yes, the OS and UI is completely different and a lot to learn. But it is a nice challenge. The drawback if you know all ins and outs of a keyboard overnight, it is no fun. On the other hand if it is far too complex it gets frustrating. But the T2 is not like that. PC-minded as I am the T2 interface is more like a PC: using folders, copy/paste of voices, styles, registration, etc. With KN7 I was used to the name Control Panel which is Registration on the T2. Also many users make the mistake that they want to copy a voice in a style folder, which cannot be done. But as lover of Ballads the T2 offers by far more styles and rich sounds than the KN7, which is still also a great keyboard!

By the way did you know that all preset styles , multipads, etc. on the Tyros is not touched by any japanese hand: all designed and created by Michel Voncken, Peter Baartmans and one other guy I don't know in person. So regarding the musical heart of the instrument I dare proudly say: Made in Holland

Here is a nice movie (don't mind Michel's German explanation):

I will keep you posted and hope to send some mp3's of my first workouts later on.
And regarding the SD-Explorer tool: it is still available normally and reduced in price.


#52609 - 10/02/06 01:28 PM Re: Goodbye to you all
Walt Meyer Offline

Registered: 10/02/02
Posts: 437
Loc: Silver City, NM USA
Fred, thanks for the update. I am sure that we all are looking forward (with open minds) to hear about your experience with the T2.


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