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#53085 - 08/10/02 11:24 AM Better Sound Output KN7000 ?
Bart_dup1 Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 01/23/02
Posts: 27
I've read somewhere that the KN7000 sound output has improved. Does this mean that the quality of all the samples have been improved (by using more ROM for each sound) or does this mean that the KN7000 has a better D/A converter, or is it the amplifier and/or speakers of the KN7000 are better compared to the KN6000 ? I hope someone can give the answer...
Another question: How much ROM memory for samples has been used in the KN6000, KN6500 and the KN7000 respectively ?

kind regards, Bart

#53086 - 08/10/02 04:31 PM Re: Better Sound Output KN7000 ?
technicsplayer Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 3319
yes, resample, amp/speakers, 32 MB, 48 MB, 64 MB

#53087 - 08/21/02 12:11 PM Re: Better Sound Output KN7000 ?
fmlk Offline

Registered: 08/21/02
Posts: 275
Loc: Eindhoven, Netherlands
Last week I heard the KN7000 and 6500 side by side so I could really compare the two. I thinks that the improvement lies mainly in the other speaker setup. There is an extra speaker between the keys and display and the sound is much brighter and surround than with the KN6500. I haven't compared the two over the headphone yet, but I will certainly do. I had ea KN5000, but subscribed to a KN7000.


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