Thanks for your responses. I will try all suggestions. What I really had in mind was something similar to what you can hear on this is a great jazz site. press jukebox, then Duke Ellington, Caravan,and download. I would just use drums and base I think. Makes me wish I knew more about the Composer, but I now have the set of Videos so all I need now is TIME.
Grandpa Doug- I hope Ruthie appreciates all your efforts to keep the romance in your relationship.I have been using the sirtaki style for FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE- I like it. have you tried it for this? I use Russian Dance for the final wind up. That should stir Ruthie!!!
Len. Its great to see you contributing. If you have a good copy of the music for CARAVAN could you let me have a copy on the 8th when I see you please, my copy is not up to scratch. No, this isn't for the choir-they would have to dress in harem outfits and it might be too much for my "senior" ladies.
Bill. I'm looking forward to hearing your version.Don't forget to include it. your idea sounds interesting. Jean.
[This message has been edited by Jean Olivia (edited 07-25-2002).]