Just as a general provision, take some time out and carefully look over your equipment manuals. It is VERY easy with electronic instrumentation to over look something, in your case, i/o settings pertaining to MIDI channels and allowable inputs. All of us are still waiting for the little black box that solves everything. For decades, Nigel, seasoned veteran members, and myself; we still try our best to not curse the living daylight out of our own setups because we often find that it's not the equipment, but rather us telling the equipment to do something that we really don't want it to do, but thought we did. Go over it step by step again. Watch and see, you will find it.
Once ago, amongst one of my many multi spaghettied conglomerations, it took me three weeks to figure out something that was right in front of me the whole while. Someone was stepping on my wires, which was pissing me off. I am extremely anal about people even looking at my setups no less touching of even stepping on wires that I have not yet moulded in or loomed up yet. There it was, low and behold, a splice that was only half twisted that I thought I had soldered and completed right beneath their feet. I had nothing to say, because it was of my own doing (or, in that case, lack of).
Unless the cable has a propietary function to the model it is being used with, it shouldn't matter. Look over your settings until you find the cause.
MORPH! Sound