format the card, save anything technics in folder 1 on the 7k. Open in card reader follow path Private/Technics/KN7000, delete the KN7000MN.INF and KN7000MN.BAK files. Open folder TFLD001, delete the contents, now copy the downloaded technics files to TFLD001. If there are more than 20 files create folders TFLD002, TFLD003 etc in the KN7000 folder. The copied folder contents must adhere to technics 1-20 numbering system with no duplications, if they are floppy files they will work fine. This is the quick and free method, once anything else has been saved on the card in the 7k and a new index written you need to use floppy copy to add further files, or software either the supplied Song Manger program, or an extra cost program etc.