Hi Folks.
I tried to find out the possible cause of the fuse protectors on the circuit board failing, but I could not speak to the engineer, only spoke to the sales person who was of no help.
I have all my electronics in my home protected by anti serge strips, so can we say that a power surge is the unlikely cause but not impossible. I do have a friend who like Bill Norrie was a design engineer and has a great knowledge of electronics. He will tell me of the possible cause. I did mention to my friend the problem I had with the KN7000 and his reaction was without the circuit to refer to, possibly the fuse protectors or could be a transistor, he thinks the transistors instead of being individual would probably be a module due to the fact the KN7000 is pretty modern. He more or less dismissed the regulator (mains transformer) he would think that would make the KN7000 dead altogether. He did express surprise that the engineer did not carry such a simple part as part in his stock, he also said any Radio Shack would have sold them 10 for a £. Here is his reply to an email.
HI Joe,
You know my way of working and the first move is to check the basics, is there any power to the amp? This would have been picked up in seconds so should have been quickly found by someone used to working with amps. I would have thought a fusible device would have been a common spare part to keep in a toolkit; I used to carry these around.
Maybe Bill will comment, or anyone else.
I know amplifiers pretty and feel sure I would have sorted the problem. But circumstances were against me,