Hi Guys
I have a problem. Up until now I have been running an exclusively MIDI setup with everything being controlled form a single PC running Cakewalk express 8. Now it has served my needs admirably as I have not had any audio requirements. However I am now awaiting arrival of a Korg d1600 digital recorder, but Cakewalk express 8 does not appear to have any MIDI sync settings, so I am afraid that I will not be able to time sync the Korg from my sequencer.
Is there another sequencer out there, that meets the following requiremenst
1. Has MTC or MMC sync capability
2. Is cheap
3. Will run on an old win98 PC with only a 166 processor
4. It does not need any audio capability only Midi
I have notcied that most sequencer packages these days are geared towards being an entire solution, I only need the MIDI part which appears to be the smallest part of these packages these days.