I haven't been here in ages!! How have you all been? I hope you all get everything that you all want out of 2007. Happy New Year, Prospero Aņo Nuevo and all that good stuff. Also R.I.P James Brown and Gerald Ford.
I still have my Roland XV5080 and use it EXCLUSIVELY! I can't see myself upgrading it. The sounds are TOO good. I recently redid my website, and have some more updated and songs coming. Please check it out and support -
http://www.evertonrecords.com I also have new songs uploaded to MySpace -
http://www.myspace.com/HaroldEverton Google Searches:
a) "Everton Production Unit"
b) "Harold Everton"
Email: evertonrecords@hotmail.com or info@evertonrecords.com
Thanks a lot for your continued interest and support. 2007 is the year where I will take an assault on the Industry!!!!
If any of you have MySpace pages, please send me some friend request so I can hear your songs, support you all and have you all as friends on my page.