Hi Santa,
it's been a while since I recorded some of my 9000 pro sequences( as I've sold it) as audio files, so I hope I remember how I did it.
Audio Recorder Software ( supplied with your KN7000) installed in your computer.
USB cable connected from Computer to KN7.
( I'm no computer expert, all I did was follow the directions supplied on installing the software and the USB driver, and thankfully it worked okay)
Audio leads connected from kn1,2, audio OUT to KN7 audio IN.
You also need the Panasonic PC SD Audio Writing Kit( consisting of card reader/writer & software) . This is an optional extra ( in most countries except for UK, I beleive). It's used for writing the audio files ( mp3's to SD card.) and a must have if you want to play audio files via sd card in your kn7.
I did the following when I recorded my psr files. I only wanted the backing instruments , as I wanted to be able to play along live . ie play the melody using the kn7 sounds and the psr playing the backing using the psr sounds. In short I was creating a backing track that one could sing or play along to( music minus one, is a term that's sometimes used)
I'll use the example of kn1/2 ( even though in my case it was a psr)
All I did was connect the audio cables kn1/2 audio out to kn7 audio in. Load my song into the kn1/2 sequencer.
I connected the computer to my kn7 using the usb cable.
I opened the audio recorder software.
I adjusted volumes etc to make sure that the kn1 's audio level wasn't too loud for the kn7. What you should actually be hearing, is the kn1/2 sequence playing through your kn7 speakers ie it's using the kn7 speakers in the same way as if you had it connected to an external amplifer & set of speakers. (The kn7 itself doessn't really come into it, you're just using it as a sound card for recording your kn1/2 sequence as a wav file.)
I then just played a bit of the sequence to make sure it all sounded okay.
I made any adjustments to the kn1/2 sequence( I muted the melody track, because I wanted backing only)
I clicked the New icon ( sheet of blank paper far lefthand side)
Then I clicked the red dot ( recording button) press start on your kn1/2. When your sequence has finished , press the stop icon and save it as a wav file.
At this stage you could could create a cd or save it in your computer for the time being , but if you want to save it as an mp3 to your sd card, you need the Panasonic sd Audio Writing Kit.
best wishes
best wishes
Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022