Even if there are many similiarities between Technics models, I'm not sure if
there is any much for you to use from Alec's book.
It's quite a gap between KN3 and KN7, but it's a great and helpful book, just
as the KN6 book was/are.
If Alec read this, he'll probably reply about it.
In the meantime, there are some technical stuff and info mainly regarding the
KN5000 at
this webpage. If you go to "Technical pages" there are several links, also i.e. to "Bob's How
To KN5000 Pages". You'll never know, maybe there aresome tips & trics to use.
Happy Playing and exploring.
Btw, I'm not sure, but maybe Walt Tenay have some books left in his stock, the
link are:
http://www.wtenaykeyboardstudios.com and
http://www.keynotepublications.com [This message has been edited by Gunnar Jonny (edited 01-09-2007).]