Originally posted by to the genesys:
Thanks for that information
I wanted to know if Sound forge as a sampler is like GigaStudio, Halion, Virtual Sampler and NI Kontakt 2.
Could I load samples in sound forge and play them with a midi keyboard connected to the computer? Could I create a sample, load it in to sound forge and assign-map it to the different keys of the keyboard?
Can I use some of the samples in multi track recording software?
OK, now I get it.
Sound Forge is not really designed to be used as a live sample playback device via a MIDI keyboard. It is possble to trigger sounds and other aspects within Sound Forge via MIDI messages but you are better to use a program that has live performance in mind. You can use Sound Forge as the device to capture/edit samples to be used in the various so-called Soft Samplers available.
NOTE: The reason I say “so called” is that some of the Soft-Samplers actually don’t have the ability to capture an external sound source. They rely on other programs, I.e. Sound Forge, WaveLab, Windows Sound Recorder, etc. to do the actual sampling and then those samples can be opened in the Soft Sampler program to be assigned to and played from an external controller.
Yes, you can certainly use samples created in Sound Forge in most of the multi-track recording programs available. Sound Forge offers various file formats when saving your captured files so you just have to choose the appropriate file type.
Best Regards,
Wm. David McMahan
Nat'l Product and Support Manager
Generalmusic USA
GEM Community Forums [This message has been edited by WDMcM (edited 08-26-2005).]