Thanks to everyone that has and is responding to this topic.
I now have 10 SONGS for the first zip file. As soon as I get 10 more you will have it if I have your email address. There are many more that have written me and promised a song by the weekending.
Just a great big thanks to all you great people. Keep them coming.
It may be possible to post this zip file of songs on Rogers KN site on his jukebox for downloading by other Technic players that are not on my mailing list. How about it Roger, will you do that? Then I wouldn't have to build another website. Looks good from here.
Keep them coming everybody. Remember this is not a talent contest. We all started in the beginning and we now are all at various stages of accomplishment. We all learn from each other. Send in anything you record and it will be included. Please don't be shy.
I am waiting.............