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#54481 - 10/31/04 02:59 AM Colin Leaney
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Colin Leaney, when I posted my question as to live playing and sequencing I was sincerely looking for the benefits of playing or singing along with a sequence. Your post about sequencing seemed so strong, not harsh but strong, not sarcastic, but strong.
My question was who is Colin Leaney, why is his opinion so for this sequencing. There were even compliments to the Technics people for their sequencer.

Cees posted on the Technics forum that you had offered a new song. I went to his forum, looked at your picture, read about you, and downloaded one of your songs. I wanted to know about you. The interpretation of music tells so much about the performer. The song was All the things you are.

Colin for the last forty years I have played for dancing audiences, strong guitar strums, strong drums and bass, I looked for a driving force in my music. When I played at home I still played with a strong rhythm -- I did the same with my KN7000 -- I needed stronger drums and basses, the ones on the keyboard were almost passive.

Your sequence was beautiful, I was listening to a different interpretation of music, one that I had put aside and forgotten. Your music has awakened something special in me. I have all your songs in my keyboard in a separate file. Your sequencing abilities and sensitivity are special. I picture you and your wife having a love affair while playing your music together, there is so much feeling.
Well, you have answered my question, I will be sequencing music not for the dancers but for the beauty found in music, for the emotions it touches.

Thank you Colin, thank you Cees, John C.

#54482 - 10/31/04 11:38 AM Re: Colin Leaney
cees Offline

Registered: 09/14/02
Posts: 533
Loc: The Netherlands
Very well said, John.
Thank you.
I react on Colin several times that he missed his profession as a film-/musical composer . His sequences are of high standard.
Cees wink
Webmaster of Technics KN7000 Keso-songs, Keso-Café and Keso-Jukebox. You're welcome to visit

#54483 - 11/01/04 02:14 AM Re: Colin Leaney
The Leans Offline

Registered: 05/01/03
Posts: 88
Loc: Birmingham, England
Hi John,

I've just returned from a few days away, and picked up your post.

Your words and sentiments regarding my sequencing efforts, are very much appreciated. (and Cees). Nobody is obliged to express a view about anybody's work, and all such comments are purely voluntary. Which makes it all the more gratifying. So, thank you very much for your kind words.

To receive such compliments from a fellow player, is praise indeed.

At the end of the day, although we might all have different ideas about what our keyboards'do' and how they should be used, each of us will produce our own form of music, to the best of our ability. I'm such a fan of the sequencer, because, it enables me to produce music which in my wildest dreams I never thought would be possible.

I cannot read or write a note of music, so I cannot enter into any debate on the subject. Likewise, my computer knowledge
is almost nil, and that is another angle of what we do, that I'm unable to participate in. Likewise, many of the subjects posted on Synthzone. But, I do understand my own way of using the sequencer.

So, I try to spread the word, of the beauty of using the sequencer in the way that I do. But because I am not technically knowledgeable, I can only 'talk' via my music. Which is what we are doing now.

So thank you John, for posting a message involving music-heart-and soul. It made me feel very humble. Please feel free to e-mail me at anytime. Especially if it's on the subject of music or sequencing.



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