Dear Tony, Roger and Bud,
Just wanted to thank you all for your insight and help in responding to my query here. I always use all your ideas and consistently manage to end up with exactly what I am looking for, no matter what it may be. You guys, among so many others here at the S.Z., are veritable musical "gurus" and I know I can always count on you to answer whatever musical question I have about these fabulous, even if now obsolete, keyboards. I am constantly amazed at the versatility of both the Technics keyboards and the brilliant musicians who play them and are always willing to share the ideas and suggestions that make this web site such a valuable treasure.
Early wishers for a very happy holiday season to you all from this always grateful "SynthZoner"
TED In the icons at the end of this message, you should click on the "Play Me" button TWICE in ordwer to get the greeing. Happy Holidays to you all.
[This message has been edited by Ted Rose (edited 12-12-2006).]