Hi Larry,
Sometimes we take things for granite, and just assume that your songs will always magically appear. I know I am guilty of not always acknowledging your recordings, and for that, I apologize.
Thank you for
all of your wonderful sequences. I know that a lot of work is involved in putting together such songs, and the final magnificant result.
To upload them to a nice website for everyone to be able to hear, is a nice added bonus. Your WMA songs sound great on my computer, as of course the Technics files on the 7000.
Your latest sequence "April in Paris" starts off by capturing the awsome human voices of the KN7000 perfectly. The human voices of the KN7000 are the best I have heard from any keyboard. I just discovered on some styles, that some of these voices are "touch sensitive". Hit a key firmly and you get a cool soundding voice, that starts out one way and ends another.
Anyway this song was again a perfect blend of voices, piano and sounds. Just another perfect performance from the Master Sequencer.
Thanks for sharing this 4 star performance.
I hope you continue to entertain us with more.
SynthZone Frapper