With all do respect cees, after reading "How to manage the SD Card" I am totaly lost ! So far, for me the SD card is not what it's billed as.
What is a person to do if they have over 1200 songs stored on their old Technics, and want to transfer them to the 7000?
If the 7000 had a large capacity hard drive, instead of the SD card at least we would be able to transfer files the old fashion way...floppy to hard drive...simple and sure.
After reading about it, I have come to the conclusion:
1. It's slow, tedious, difficult, and complicated to set up files on the SD Card
2. One has to buy quite a few SD Cards, which by the way, are not cheap
3. One has to buy additional software to help in setting up files on the SD
4. One has to hook up the 7000 to the computer to set up files on the SD Card
5. One has to buy a reader/writer to try to orginize files for the 7000..not an easy task
Now I admit, that the old hard drive that you loaded up with floppies was a bit of a pain, but it seems to me that the SD Card is NOT an improvement, rather thus far a dissapoitment. Sometimes new is not better.
Larry Hawk
Larry "Hawk"
♫ 🎹🎹 ♫ SX-900