Bill, in the card reader follow Private\Technics\KN7000.
if you copy entire floppies you can see the 6 character names, and the space for the 16 character names, thus you can rename everything very easily on the computer providing you do not shift an extra space which will put ALL the following names out of the display.
I do not want to encourage people to fiddle here if they are going to have all their folders disappear from view in the 7k display with one false click. Therefore *** B A C K U P *** before you fiddle. A hex editor is safest.
If I had time I would dig out Visual Basic (groan!) and have a go at a windows interface to make it easy for people, but am commissioned on other projects at the moment so will not have time before Xmas.
I have dragged folders to the card which the 7k can read as long as the correct data blocks in the inf file are filled in. However there are space calculation factors which depend on SD spec, so I just sent the info and suggestions to technics to see what turns up.
Again, don't blame me if anyone fiddles and then can no longer see the folder contents they spent hours creating...