That's an honest negative there Cloakboy. After living in an art colony in a blanketed musician's culture for so many decades, you get to see people do some pretty stupid things, so I don't put anything past anybody without a warning if I feel it's warranted. Even back east when I was in High School Chemistry class a real long long time ago
I guess I was the only one who saw this classmate taking a snort off of this bottle of gas. He lunged back about 6 feet and dropped. I barely caught him and gave mouth to mouth (ick). I even felt the oxygen displacement
while I tried to revive him. People said he looked dead and I was turning purple and grey like he first did. I didn't stop and he began to revive after 25 seconds or so of vigorus resussitation. As he layed there on the floor breathing on his own, I told him he was an idiot. Oh the gas by the way was NH4 (Ammonia) which will suck every molecule of oxygen out of you if you breathe one deep enough breath. Just about any oxide radical will. Ozone on the other hand is extremely deadly. To my understanding, it can kill you in seconds while the body is hardly noticing that something is wrong when something drastic is happening. All your Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide is converted into Carbon Monoxide. If you had a bottle of Oxygen running, it would still take a miracle to survive that without some major damage occur.
Pretty wild huh!? It can happen in the blink of an eye.