Is it general disscussion to synths only?
.Saddam's personal ad at bottom of message.
Iraqi Freedom. A unified Iraq.
Of course this nation is going to surrender. The Iraqi people resist their severence with what Sadam offered? Opression?
As followers shed to new freedom, many are victims of a failed system, followed only for the sake of their family and own survival. Iraqi people have known for many years the regime to record names and locations of voters and other people against Sadam by ballots or documents, how such a script was like a perscription to die.
Saddam's regime showed its network presence in schools. Innocent children have unknowingly commented in schools of a parent's foul thoughts of Saddam. Even these utterences could lead a family to ruin. The characteristic of entire families suddenly voided and missing from their lives was known to be not uncommon.
Looks to me like Saddam and hardcores have either split the scene, or are hiding close to their NBC weapons of mass destruction. He is not trigger shy to geneside. Deployment is still certainly a possibility. They could have already caused an enviormental sabatoge. Estimates show Sadam has killed approx.100,000+ people up to this date, a bad man. Many being his own people (Iraqi's). He's gotten the stage hook, BUT, he had plenty of preparation time which makes pinning him down difficult. He must be stopped short of orders to orchestrate a grand finale of his highest potential and wipe out the lives of all those on a contaminated quarter hemisphere of the earth or worse.
Saddam's personal ad:
HELP WANTED:$100.00 hr. + benefits.
I am Saddam. Do you look
like me? You can be my double.
1 (800) 333-6328
1 (800) DED-MEAT