I agree Lloyd, it has been said so many times, by so many people on this and other forums. It never ceases to amaze me how Technics can produce such a wonderful range of instruments and supply them with such C**P manuals. It will be very interesting to see what reply you get from them. I know that some of the guys at Technics UK do visit this forum so will most likely see our remarks.
You may not be aware that Alec wrote an excellent supplementary manual called 'How do I do That', basically for the KN6000 and KN6500 but much of it still applies to the KN7000. It's published in the USA and you can get a copy of it by contacting Walt Tenay at keybstud@sccoast.net - very good value for money


Maybe Alec's thinking about an updated version ??
Walt's Web Site is
http://www.keynotepublications.com ------------------
[This message has been edited by Bill Norrie (edited 09-09-2002).]