I like it best when we are all friends!!!
I have a good friend who knocks me out no matter instrument he plays. He is a great Pro Player. When we hear the demo's on our Keyboards we think FAB, but we can't find a preset to imitate the sound. My friend has the ability to produce “similar sounds” again “similar sounds” without the use of the Sequencer!!
And I did say similar “not as good as”
When I ask him, which. Keyboard he favours, his reply is the one that sounds the best to my ears.
He has KN7000 and Tyros, layered, and if I am not looking at him playing I find it hard to say which one he is playing.
And I have a good ear, “two to be factual” So although I prefer to play Technics, is it the sound? Or the ease of playing Technics? Am I right to say I am a technics man, yes I am right, just as a Yamaha – Korg – Roland etc
Player has right to say, I like my Keyboard better than Technics.
Good luck to us all when we buy our next Keyboard, whatever name is on it. If it sounds as good as the KN2000 repeat “KN2000”!! Then I will be happy, Our Boards will not last forever, and have we gone as far as we can in reproducing imitations of real instruments? Never will there be a truly reproduced sound, we who play, or have played Trumpet Saxophone etc, can tell the reproduced sound from real instruments, but who cares, if it is nice to hear, then it’s a good sound!!!! “It’s not a trumpet! but what a good sound “that matters”
My hand is offered in friendship to he or she, who wants to take it.Techie or Yhamy
I am your’s faithfully.
[This message has been edited by Phil Lynch (edited 10-09-2005).]