The Studio 90 Plus arrived a few weeks ago and so far, I am happy with it. It feels like there are springs bringing the keys back up, which gives it a pretty fast action and yet it is weighted. I believe it's a hammer action. It feels preyy good. Not great, but certainly its feel is not an issue with me. It can send on only 3 channels/zones at once and is a bit limited to only about 6 parameters for each zone. Things that can be changed are:
note range (for splits)
Midi channel
velocity sensitivity
program cahnge
thats about it. it takes a few button presses to change any parm. You hit parameter, hit enter (to choose what you want to change per zone). Then you hit a value, then enter.
For example if I want to change midi channel in zone one to 15.
I hit parameter button, then enter the number 10 (all 18 parameters are written on the keyboard. Parm 10 is specifically for midi channel - zone 1) then enter. Then enter the number 15, then enter.
Pretty simple.
The one I have is built into a road case, which I'm happy about. The top closes over the botton and its ready for transport or at least very protected.
I actually leave it at the church. I close the top on it and just leave it on the stand.
Very good deal. I paid 310 for it and was very happy with the deal and although the feel isn't the greatest, it's still fine enough to play without there being any issues with.
[This message has been edited by RW (edited 02-23-2006).]