Hi Jonny,
I think you are correct, the drums are going to cause real problems.
I used to midi either my kn2000 or kn3000
( can't remember which, but it wasn't gm compatible) to my roland g800. The drums were a real problem.
I think I did have a drum map though.
I used to convert the drums manually in one of my old atari sequencer programs. Tedious job.
If the kn750 songs can be recorded to a sequencer as a midifile, there's a program called GN midi.
One of the functions literally splits a drum track up into seperate tracks, 1 track per each type of drum instrument ie bass drums has it's own track, hihat etc etc
then it would just be a case of transposing each of these drum tracks into the correct instrument. You'd need a p.c. sequencer.
A bit hit & miss if you don't know the kn750 drum mapping.
I think there's a demo you can download & use for 5 days.
http://www.gnmidi.com/ best wishes
http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/makingstyles/ [QUOTE]Originally posted by Gunnar Jonny:
[B] Maybe you can transfer from KN750 to G800 via Midi-connection,
but you'll have quite a challenge to program the drums as long
as the KN750 is not GM compatible, and drums are not numbered.
But maybe I'm totally wrong, so come'on guys, anyone done this?